Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pro-Choicers are Aborting Themselves to Death (part three)

Four reasons have been cited previously for why the pro-choice position is losing steam and why the pro-life position has the momentum. This is no time for us to assume that since everything is going our way we can just coast to victory. A football team can lose momentum as quickly as it obtains momentum in a game. We need to keep working and praying, because every human life is worth saving.

(5) THE LEADERSHIP COMING FROM SO-CALLED MINORITY GROUPS. In the past it was white people who led the way in advancing the pro-life position. Now we are seeing a large number of leaders who are Hispanic and black, for example, who have taking the reins in advancing the pro-life cause. This scares the pro-choice crowd, because the liberal political wing has always taken for granted that the majority of the minorities are in their corner in all issues.

Is it not the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. that makes speeches around our country about the evils of abortion? Some time ago, a billboard in New York City featured a picture of a young black girl with the message "The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb".

Many found this ad "racist", so blacks who ran this ad were committing racism against blacks. Go figure. Lost in the controversy was the actual point of the advertisement: abortion clinics target poor minorities in the inner city.

Institutional slavery of a different kind is an operating branch of Planned Parenthood. All one needs to do is examine the extremely racist views of Margaret Sanger, its infamous founder. More blacks have been killed by abortion in one year than have been killed in the past history of our country as a direct result of slavery when it was in force.

Hispanics and Mexicans have always valued family life, and it has been a hard sell to convince them to discard children as if they were useless appendages. More and more are speaking up against abortion, and are taking the lead in the pro-life movement.

Ask the Chinese who have come from that country to ours because of their yearning for freedom, if the one-child policy in China is looked upon with much favor. Our Vice President thinks it's okay, but most Americans find it repulsive. All the ugly features of abortion, nationally and internationally, are being exposed, and no amount of cover-up can smooth over its tragic reality. Even Whoopi Goldberg said that women who get abortions out of convenience are "idiots" (that is the number one reason why women do abort, Whoopi!).

(6) ABORTION ADVOCATES FIND THEMSELVES ON THE DEFENSIVE. One can always tell if a particular cause or issue is losing ground--it is when the promoters of that cause or issue are having to be on the defensive so much of the time. Even the die-hard leaders of the Pro-Choice crowd admit that abortion is not a lovely thought. When new technologies continue to open the window into the womb, then those who continue to deny the humanity of the unborn will look and sound silly and illogical.

Obamacare is vastly unpopular among the American people, and will be increasingly unpopular once it takes effect (if it does) and when the devil in the details come out more fully, especially the enormous costs. Guilt by association is the government funding of abortion hidden in the unhealthy health care bill. That will only cast a darker shadow on abortion.

When people are on the defensive of a losing proposition, they usually resort to all sorts of bizarre, hateful tactics, which will only dig the hole deeper for them. It is like when a vehicle is stuck in a snowbank or a deep mud hole. Continuing spinning of the wheels commonly result in one thing--a big problem that just got bigger. Pro-choicers are angrily spinning their wheels.

But I saved maybe the best reason for last. . .

(7) THE PRO-CHOICE PEOPLE ARE LOSING FUTURE ADHERENTS TO THEIR CAUSE BY THE VERY THING THEY PROPOSE. Who are the people, women and men, who opt for abortion as their preferred choice? It is those who are pro-abortion. They are killing off future adherents to their cause. Whether they realize it or not, they are having a negative membership drive.

And who are the ones who are pro-life? Those who have babies, and sometimes lots of them. Statistics have shown that those who have three or more children are much more likely to be pro-life in their family values. One does not have to be a math genius to figure out that the pro-life cause is gaining more members to their cause while the pro-choicers are literally aborting themselves to death.

Pro-choicers try their best to rally more people to their position, but at the same time they have to kill off potential future members to their cause. How are the pro-choicers going to get them out of this fix? There is only one way out--they are going to have to become more pro-life. I say that tongue in cheek, but life not only is precious, but life sure can have its funny twists.

Yours to the glory of the Author of life,
