Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Things That Go Bump In the Night

When Frank Peretti came out with his gripping, watershed fictional books on demons in the 1980s, it ushered in a new heightened level of discussion on demonic activity. Angels and demons have always been a topic of interest, and even a recent movie by that name only suggests that the curiosity has only grown over time. As is the case in most situations, though, polarizing and contrasting viewpoints blur the true story. Sensational accounts of demonic possession and territorial demons have caused in many Christians either panic or over-the-top fascination to total disbelief of anything demonic or Satanic in nature.
In our Sunday morning Bible study through the gospel of John, we landed on 8:44 one Sunday several Sundays ago. We have not been able to proceed, in John that is, past that one verse, simply because what we learn there ties together so many "loose ends" about Satan, fallen angels, and demons, and their whole scheme from the beginning to disrupt and impede God's initial prophecy in Genesis 3:15. When one takes into account that Satan is out to prove God wrong, i.e. no Seed of woman is going to bruise his head, then everything from Genesis 3 to the time Satan is thrown into the lake of fire in Revelation 20 can be seen from the vantage point of a diabolical attempt to overthrow God's plan of redemption. In the Old Testament up to the time of the appearance of the Seed of woman, Jesus Christ, Satan's dirty fingerprints are seen in the Old Testament and New Testament stories that we learn from our earliest days of Sunday School.
Satan is called a murderer and a liar, by Jesus Himself in John 8:44. That is the only time those titles are given to Satan in Scripture. The serpent did lie to Eve, and Adam and Eve's spirit died at the moment of their disobedience, just as God had forewarned. Physical death would follow spiritual death. Satan is out to kill the body, the soul and the mind. Examine church history and you will see how Satan tries to subvert God's plan by 1) persecuting and killing Christians (he is the murderer) and/or by 2) filling Christians' minds with false doctrine (he is the liar). Examine how much of the New Testament is written to counteract false teaching. Why so? Why do we read about deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons in 1 Timothy 4:1? Start in Genesis and trace Satan's method of operation all the way through the Old Testament, and behind it all you will see his murdering, lying schemes over and over again, and especially more so at the time when Genesis 3:15 comes to full fruition in the person of Jesus.
Satan does not give up so easily, even when Jesus defeats the enemy and bruises his head at the cross. (1 John 3:8, Colossians 2:15). From Jesus' resurrection, ascension and the birth of the church in Acts 2, Satan has a new enemy, so to speak, and that is the spiritual offspring of the Seed of woman, i.e. the church of Jesus Christ. Such is the synopsis in Revelation 12. Up until the birth of Jesus, Satan throughout the Old Testament is out to prevent the birth of the Seed in the first place. Why else do we read that Cain killed Abel, especially in light of 1 John 3:12? God's sovereign will can not be overcome, and a future birth of Seth is the line through which the Seed would come.
In Genesis 6, Satan has an all-out frontal assault on the human race. To cover all the bases and to make sure he got the line of Seth out of the way, he corrupted the world through the intermarriage of mankind with "sons of God" (fallen angels as we learn in Job 1-2), who took human form (angels, the good and the bad ones, often took human form in the Old Testament, and even Hebrews 13:2 teach this) and married the "daughters of men". We read of Jesus paying a special visit to these fallen angels who took human form and who died, and who disobeyed in the days of Noah. According to 1 Peter 3:18-20, Jesus after His death and before His resurrection went to preach to these wicked spirits in prison.
Satan's plan might have worked, since the world became exceedingly corrupt in Genesis 6, but Satan forgot to take into account God's sovereign grace. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 3:15 marches on, but Satan is no quitter. When God called Abram to be the father of the nation that would give birth to the Seed of woman, Satan knows where to direct his aim from now on. True, Satan is very active in the affairs of the pagan nations in the Old Testament, but he saves his heavy artillery for Israel. Read the Old Testament from Genesis 12 on in the light of how Satan here and there is trying his devilish best to prevent Genesis 3:15 from being carried out. The Old Testament, from this perspective, as it is played out is more than just a collection of disjointed memorable stories. It is the stage on which Satan is attempting to marshal his forces to thwart the first prophecy in Scripture, from which all other successive prophecies proceed.
King Herod wanted to kill the baby Jesus. Was that just his idea, or was Herod a willing pawn in the hands of something or someone more sinister? Why all of a sudden do we read of numerous encounters with demon-possessed people in the gospel books, something we don't read in the Old Testament? Why is Jesus tempted by Satan directly right after His ministerial inauguration at His baptism? Why did Jesus have to say to Peter at one juncture, "Get behind me, Satan"?Why do we read of this epic struggle between Jesus and Satan in the Garden of Gethsemane (the first Adam failed in a garden; the last Adam would triumph over the devil in a garden)? What exactly was going on in the spiritual realm when Jesus died on the cross? The God of heaven in His Son met the "god of this world" on his home turf, and Satan threw everything he had at Jesus during His earthly sojourn, because the Seed of woman had finally made his long-awaited appearance.
Ironically, the nation of Israel, which was the brunt of Satan's attack in the old covenant era, would become the principle tool in the hand of Satan in the New Testament. Now that Jesus had come, and the bulk of the nation of Israel had rejected the Seed, their promised Messiah, Satan would use the first century nation of Israel as a means to beat up on the spiritual seed of Jesus, the church. This is why Jesus told the Jewish leaders in John 8 that their father was Satan. In the book of Acts, most of the persecution of believers came from the hands of Jews up until the time of Nero. In Revelation 2 & 3 in two of the churches, Jesus identified the Jewish synagogues as the synagogues of Satan. The indictment could not be more stinging.
The above is a very quick overview of the main points we have covered so far on Sunday mornings. Right now we are going through all the demonic encounters, one by one, that Jesus and the early Christians had in the first five books of the New Testament. Keeping everything in its proper perspective, we understand why all this flurry of demonic activity is occurring all at once. The Seed had come, and the spiritual seed of that Seed had come. Looking at these fourteen demonic possessions in the New Testament, we learn a lot that will separate fact from fiction, truth from over-hyped sensationalism in some popular Christian literature and Hollywood productions.
There is not a demon behind every bush; we are not commissioned to identify demons by name and cast them out appropriately; Christians can not be demon-possessed because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world; we should not cringe in fear before Satan and his hosts, because if we submit ourselves to God, and resist the devil, he will flee from us. At the same time, it is equally dangerous to pretend that Satan has waved the white flag of surrender, and that demons have gone into hiding.
But where do demons come from? We may assume that demons and fallen angels are one and the same. But that is not the case. Scripture nowhere equates the two. Reaching back to the pivotal account in the opening verses in Genesis 6, we discover the answer. We see where demonic activity is strongest in the Old Testament, and we understand why demons in the New Testament crave a body to possess, even it happens to be swine. And there is so much more we can possibly piece together, like what about occultic practices and those things that go bump in the night?
Claiming victory over Satan by the blood of the Lamb,
(I may write more on the above after I teach on this subject a few more Sundays in the near future.)